年をとると時間の流れは速くなるのか?/Is time flying faster as you get old?
Get emotional!
こうした感じ方は古今東西を問わないらしく、フランスではこうした年齢に伴う時間感覚の変化を合理的に説明しようとした『ジャネーの法則』というものがある。これは19世紀フランスの哲学者だったポール・アレクサンドル・ルネ・ジャネ(Paul Alexandre René Janet)が提唱した考えを、甥で精神科医のピエール・ジャネ(Pierre Janet)が著作で明らかにしたもの。ちなみにこのピエール・ジャネは今ではすっかりお馴染みになった「トラウマ」という言葉を造語した人間でもある。
What is “The law of Janet?
Everybody says “Time flies so fast as we get old” when he becomes middle age. As one of them, I also feel time is going much faster than childhood. One year used to be awfully long time when I was in elementary school. Now I feel four seasons turn around so quickly.
This feeling is not limited in Japan but in all ages and countries. There is “The law of Janet” in France which tried to explain the change of feeling time in rational way. This law was firstly considered by Paul Alexandre René Janet, a French philosopher, and his nephew, Pierre Janet, a Psychiatrist wrote as academic approach in his book. Incidentally Pierre Janet was invented the word “Trauma” which is now familiar with all people.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
に尽きるのではないだろうか。若い時には一人の人間との出会いが人生を変えるときがある、1本の映画、1冊の小説で人生観が変わることもある。あらゆる経験と知識に対して貪欲な若い時間に比べて、年を重ねると新しい経験に対する新鮮な感動は加速度的に薄れてくる。感動や激しい感情を伴なわなければ記憶自体も薄いものになり、その間の時間はあたかも瞬時に過ぎ去ったようにも感じる。以前にフランスの友人たちとこんな話をしている時に、その中の一人で精神科医をしていた女性が何気なく放った一言が冒頭に置いた「Get emotional!」という言葉だった。
Get emotional!
-A French Psychiatrist, my French friend
What is “The law of Janet?
Everybody says “Time flies so fast as we get old” when he becomes middle age. As one of them, I also feel time is going much faster than childhood. One year used to be awfully long time when I was in elementary school. Now I feel four seasons turn around so quickly.
This feeling is not limited in Japan but in all ages and countries. There is “The law of Janet” in France which tried to explain the change of feeling time in rational way. This law was firstly considered by Paul Alexandre René Janet, a French philosopher, and his nephew, Pierre Janet, a Psychiatrist wrote as academic approach in his book. Incidentally Pierre Janet was invented the word “Trauma” which is now familiar with all people.
Following is the core formula of the law of Janet
y:mental feeling of Time
x:Age of the person
This formula can be translated into words like this.
<One year for 4 years old kid is equivalent of 25% of his whole life but it is just as much as 2.5% for 40 years old man. It leads to the deference of feelings of Time>
This explanation is pretty persuasive! This makes perfect sense for man who lived more than 40 years like me.
However it is also true that this law of Janet is known as the symbol of academic theories which sound quite realistic but with very few scientific support.
Feeling of Time is “Thickness of memories”:Memory is branded by emotion
Here one idea hit me upon, time flow people feel is equal to the thickness of memories accumulated during the period. As long as people live, they have many experiences and memories of experiences remain in their minds. Those memories are branded in the brain by strong emotions. When you fall in love, any of your experiences would be branded in your memories by intense emotions like strong joy or sadness. When you read a book or watch a movie, the more you are impressed, the stronger your memories would be branded. The English term of “Brand” originally means “Branding for live stocks”. Memories branded by violent emotions remain in the brain and the time period with those strong memories accumulated seems to be very long time.
Then the phenomenon that people feel Time very short as they get old can indicate the following:
《Slowing down of emotional metabolism》
In your youth, encounter with just a book can change your life. Just a movie, just a novel can turn the rudder of your life. However each impression to new experience gets always weaker as you get old. That makes memories thin and the feeling of time flow short. I have once talked about this matter with my French friends and a Psychiatrist, one of them, said the word I placed in the beginning of this Blog. “Get emotional!”
The quick time is nothing more than “your shallow life”
People often say that 40 years old is the turning point of life (Japanese life expectancy is 80.98 years for men, 87.34 years for women). However life after 40 years would be much shorter than life of first 40 years. In the feeling of time flow, it is never something like turning point but you have already spent 70 % of the total life.
Time flowing is given same to any people. If you don’t feel strong impressions on any occasions, you have to spend just a shallow life and get old quickly while you don’t recognize it. Nothing is too late to learn. Don’t forget curiosity, learn anything new everyday with rich emotions. You have to protest to get old without acquiring anything fresh.