東京モーターショー2017/Tokyo Motor Show 2017
お台場は東京ビッグサイトにて開催の東京モーターショー(2017年10月27日~11月5日)に行ってきました。イベントのサブタイトルとして銘打たれたのが“BEYOND THE MOTOR”。「エンジンを超えて」という言葉には、100年続いた内燃機関エンジンの時代が、遂に電動モーター主力の時代に変わろうとする時代の予感を象徴しているようです。もちろんこのサブタイトルには、「車が“エンジンで走るだけの存在”から、社会や人生の一部に組み込まれる」といったような意味もあるようです。
“Paradigm shift in 70 years” is coming closer
-Exhibition was a bit halfhearted while Innovation is on the verge
I visited Tokyo Motor Show 2017 (27.October-5.November) to Tokyo Big Sight, Odaiba, Tokyo. The subtitle of the show was “BEYOND THE MOTOR” which reminds the change of technology from Internal combustion engine to Electric motor. Off course it also suggests the vision of Automobile’s value innovating from mere moving tool by engine to the important tool of lush life and society.
(The English text continues the latter half of the page)
これはショーの特別展示「TOKYO CONNECTED LAB 2017」から。自動運転の先に見えてきた「クルマがつながる」未来のモビリティ社会の一端を見せるデモンストレーションです。会場の中に設置した特殊なドームの内壁に映し出された映像で、ちょっと見づらいかも。何とかショー自体のコンセプトを具現したかったのはわかりますが、いまひとつ具体性に欠けて心に迫ってくるものがなく、ただ甘いだけのお菓子を出されたような気もします。実際の投資運用へのヒントを求めてきている向きには、なかなか具体的な企業への考察まで進んでいきません。
“Paradigm shift in 70 years” is coming closer
-Exhibition was a bit halfhearted while Innovation is on the verge
I visited Tokyo Motor Show 2017 (27.October-5.November) to Tokyo Big Sight, Odaiba, Tokyo. The subtitle of the show was “BEYOND THE MOTOR” which reminds the change of technology from Internal combustion engine to Electric motor. Off course it also suggests the vision of Automobile’s value innovating from mere moving tool by engine to the important tool of lush life and society.
This is a scene in front of the gate shortly before the door opening. The number of visitors of the day was 20,000 by noon. Just at the opening people would have been over 10,000.
Finally the gate was open. After ticket check there was barrier of securities check.
Actually I had something which brew my mind before viewing main exhibitions.
On the corner of the floor was Official goods shop of the show. “Now you can enter without queue!” ladies are shouting. I entered to casually and I heard the man shouting besides cashier, “We’re doing baggage check for those who don’t buy goods.” The shop was one way street and after entering I have no way but was pushed to the cashier and the man opened my bag to check. I wouldn’t have been so surprised if it had happened in Europe. However I have never seen such commercial treatment in Japan which doubts customers for potential thief. Has shoplifting in past Motor show become serious issue, I don’t know.
Concept car at Toyota booth.
Concept car was displayed together with something like Segway like the photo above. This could be the suggestion of future life style together with 4 wheel car and standing 2 wheeled tool.
These are also exhibitions at Toyota group company. Both exhibitions looked like appealing sound life style aided by the catalyst of automobile.
This movie is a piece of demonstration film at “TOKYO CONNECTED LAB 2017” which shows a picture of future mobility society beyond self-driving technology. It might be a bit hard to view as this was casted inside of the dome. I guess it was a trial to show the concept of the event. However I’m afraid it was rather frustrating because concreteness is lacking and the film itself looked like just-sweet sugar confectionery. I visited there to find some implications for investment but I couldn’t advance to the next thought to anticipate future investment targets.
Concept car exhibition at Mazda booth. The most of firms that couldn’t aggressive exhibition of electric cars stuck to orthodox exhibition like this. Off course this is attractive enough for the car mania of decades like me.
This is “VX” exhibition at SUBARU booth. I couldn’t capture it clearly as the car body was so sparkling.
This Kingdom of Morocco booth was the most quiet one of the event.
I can’t believe that such a beautiful machine exists! I have been a crazy motorcycle mania since my school days, it was terrific exhibition at KAWASAKI booth.
What and How Paradigm shift affects Japanese firms?
Although I enjoyed the show as a genuine automobile fan, the event was a little bit frustrating in point of investor’s view. I guess the organizer tried to demonstrate the future vision of electric cars’ leading roll to change the society as whole. But very few firms could show their products directly leading to electric cars society. As a matter of fact, the event could tell about only sugar confectionery like imaginary story, it was quite shame.
Ford started “Ford T-type” in 1908, the first mass production automobile in the world after years of try and error since the invention of the car in 19th century. More than 100 years after that, automobile industry has produced mainly gasoline engine as main products. And TOYOTA introduced Hybrid technology at the end of 20th century. Other Japanese automobile firms have also established hybrid technologies. However amid the movement of environment protection, the time started drastic shift into “Electric automobile” technologies. Even though Europe had once stuck into diesel, England and France expressed possible future bang of gasoline engine sales. Chine and India followed this movement. “EV shift” in the world is no more avoidable.
The global “EV shift” can affect Japanese automobile firms in devastating magnitude which can blow up whole industry. Japanese automobile industry had dominated the world because it had the top level of “technology”. This “technology” is not something like cutting edge from the Lab but something like “corresponding force at production site” and this had sustained Japanese manufacturing industries for the long time. The present Automobile with internal combustion engine is complicated combination of different technology systems like “Power train”, “Transmission”, or “Electric”. Technical failures happen at contact point of different technology systems. Japanese automobile industry had overcome those failures by unique “corresponding force at production site” which is the core of Japanese practical technology. The Japanese automobile industry holds not only major assembly makers but vast number of tool firms to work together with assembly makers and this is the main difference from that of Korea and China where only major assembly makers and they have to import important tools from Japan.
Once the EV takes the main roll, this unique Japanese strength could very quickly fade off. Compared with automobiles with internal combustion engine, the structure of EV becomes extremely simple which connects Battery, Motor, and wheels. Once the basic technology is established, the cost competency would work as the essential differentiation rather than Japanese corresponding force. This situation must remind us of assembly factories in China or India. Off course Japanese automobile firms would never wait and see but try to take any measures for future success. The technology innovation could come even tomorrow and the time will change all at once. I couldn’t clearly find out what Japanese firms are doing in the breaking dawn of technology and that has become my main frustration at the event.