合気道:相半身三教を杖で表現/Aikido: “Aihami Sankyo” expressed by Jo
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
Today’s training topic is “Aihami Sankyo expressed by Jo”. This is a training style which the late Shibata Sensei inherited from Nishio Shoji Shihan and those trainings express various body technique by gears like wood-made sword, Jo, and Samurai sword. It might look a little bit strange for the first look. But they show universal movements and logics which are hidden behind outlooking common with any schools of martial arts gear.
So this is conventional body technique Sankyo from Aihami which needs so-called “breathing force”.
Next one is the same skill expressed by Jo.
Do you see anything of hidden logics behind movements? In my Dojo we train these trainings from Ikkyo to Gokyo, Kotegaeshi, and Shihonage. I like to introduce them from time to time.