お花見2018盛況に終了、次週に第2弾!/O-hanami 2018 finished in roaring, following weekend is the 2nd stage!
さてこれでお終いではありません。次週3/31(土)に同じ場所、同じ時間帯で「お花見第2弾」を行います!桜も散り始めるので、次回は派手な桜吹雪の中で行く春を愛でる予定です。次回も多彩なスペシャルゲストを予定していますが、このほかにも飛び入り大歓迎です!目玉のお酒として「久保田 紅寿」を用意しています。お時間に都合がつく方はぜひ覗いてみてください。
Great time at O-hanami2018 with guests from England
O-hanami2018 which was announced in previous week has finished in roaring with the guest from England. It was beautiful sunny day and we truly enjoyed great Sake with Aikido friends under full blooming Cherry blossoms.
Now everybody! This is not the end! We hold 2nd stage of O-hanami 2018 on following weekend on 3rd March at the same place and the same time slot. As Cherry blossom starts leaving, we will have the party in “Cherry storm”. We plan guests from Europe but we welcome other guests and jump-in. I have prepared main sake of ”Kubota Kouju (久保田 紅寿)”. If you can spare time please come and visit us!