日本株は割安か?/Are Japananese Equities relative cheap?
<“Left behind” situation is obvious as far as looking at stock indices>
People often say that Japanese equities are relatively cheap among developed countries and they expect upward potential is huge once the market finds the chance of invertion. Especially after the Bubble crash in 1990, Japan had spent the period of “Lost 20 years” and the stock index have not showed substantial upturn yet. The chart below is developments of representative stock indices of major markets after 1989. If you set the level of 1989 end at 100, US and German markets are already become more than 7times higher, on the other hand, TOPIX index is around 52% level, just a half of 1989 level. As far as looking at indices, the relative cheapness of the Japanese market looks quite clear. It is no wonder that people see the relative cheapness of Japanese market.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
これは東証全体の時価総額とTOPIX指数のやはり89年末からの推移を見たもの。これを見ると、TOPIX指数自体はバブル崩壊時の半分程度のところに留まっているものの、東証の時価総額トータルではすでに直近でほぼバブル崩壊時の水準に近づいている。両社の違いは、TOPIX指数は東証1部上場銘柄だけの時価総額を対象にしているのに対して、東証時価総額には1部のほか、2部、JASDAQ 、MOTHERS市場を含んでいるという点。時系列でみると90年代当初は両者の推移はほぼ同一だが、その後に徐々にそのスプレッドを広げている。特に2013年に東証が大証と統合され、同時にJASDAQ市場も東証に包含されたことを契機にさらに急拡大をしている。
Are Japanese equities relatively cheap?
<“Left behind” situation is obvious as far as looking at stock indices>
People often say that Japanese equities are relatively cheap among developed countries and they expect upward potential is huge once the market finds the chance of invertion. Especially after the Bubble crash in 1990, Japan had spent the period of “Lost 20 years” and the stock index have not showed substantial upturn yet. The chart below is developments of representative stock indices of major markets after 1989. If you set the level of 1989 end at 100, US and German markets are already become more than 7times higher, on the other hand, TOPIX index is around 52% level, just a half of 1989 level. As far as looking at indices, the relative cheapness of the Japanese market looks quite clear. It is no wonder that people see the relative cheapness of Japanese market.
<Does stock index truly represent the real picture of the market?>
A doubt comes out. The question is whether TOPIX index truly represent the power and levels of Japanese stock markets. TOPIC index is calculated from the sum of market capitalizations of all listed firms of 1st section of Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). In this mean, TOPIX index represents movements of large cap firms better than Nikkei 225 which is calculated from single stock prices of 225 firms through geometric mean method (like Dow Index). Even so could you take a look on the chart below?
This chart shows developments of TOPIX index and total market capitalization of TSE. While TOPIX index stayed at half the level of Dec.1989, total market capitalization has already recovered almost to the Bubble level. The difference between 2 indicators is that TSE total market capitalization include 2nd section, JASDAQ, and MOTHERS markets and 1st section while TOPIX handles only TSE 1st post. When you observe both developments in chronological order, both indicators made almost same movements in early 90s. Then the spread has become wider as emerging markets like JASDAQ and MOTHERS have grown, and after the integration of TSE and OSE (Osaka Stock Exchange) in 2013 the spread widened more.
In one word, this tendency could represent
“Dull metabolism of TSE 1st section”.
The wave of times gives growth chances to companies and it changes its direction all the time. For example, Dow Jones industrial average 30 index is the most traditional and representative stock index which was incepted in 1884. And it is only General Electric which has stayed in the index till now. Even after 1990, 23 stocks have changed places. The index must change its contents in order to match changes of time.
On the other hand, listing standards of TSE 1st section is quite strict among developed countries however the listed companies are seldom delisted once they are listed. Therefore there are a number of “Zombie firms” which are almost not traded daily in the market. The picture of so difficult to enter and easy to stay in looks like the College system in Japan. The markets like JASDAQ or MOTHERS represent growing chances brought by the wave of time rather than traditional 1st section. By this I mean it is difficult to discuss the relative cheapness of Japanese equities only from Index movements.
<Total market cap already exceeds nominal GDP>
Then I present the chart from another perspective. The chart below is the division of market capitalization by nominal GDP. Although I have used this indicator for a long time, I recently found out this is called the “Buffet index”.
Starting point is 1994 but this figure was over 140% at the peak of the bubble. The indicator had once gone under 50% (conversely 50% level looks quite strong support line) but it has recovered over 100% now. The latest TOPIX level of 1750 is equivalent of 120% of the indicator. You can never imagine this recovery if you stick only to index movements.
In the US, this indicator is over 140% , more thanJapanese level. Incidentally This indicator had gone to 140% before the crash of the IT bubble in 2001, so that this 140% level could be an warning level which indicates “bubble”.
When you realize that total market capitalization exceeds the nominal GDP which is total sum of economic activities of the country, the discussion of “relative cheapness of Japanese equities” has poor basis. Off course stock prices include not only outstanding value like cash flow or net asset, but also discounted present value of future potential cash flow of companies as going concerns. If growth potential is quite big, then total market capitalization (it is nearly equal to levels of stock prices) can exceed nominal GDP. Therefore the issue how to consider this indicator is solely dependent on how you see the future growth potential in Japan.
Although the LDP Government made a landslide victory at the last election, the mid-term target of 2% inflation is still far from being realized. The long-term interest rates are stuck to zero level and Japan cannot evacuate from the label of the country with “the lowest investment return”. At the very least I can no longer compose a domestic equity oriented portfolio for myself.