【速報】今時こんな詐欺メールが・・・<幸せは天から降ってこない>/【Prompt Letter】Have you ever seen this sought of mail?<Fortune never falls on you from heaven>
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
Good Morning,
Thanks so much for being able to response to my Email, I hope may this Email find you and your family in good health. I know we are unfamiliar with each other but it takes a day for people to know each other. I will like to propose a legitimate business to you and please take this seriously. I am proposing a deal that will make us richer and you are very important to this deal as you will find out. i am a Senior Accountant with Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) UK. I have worked here for a little more than 12 years now in vital position to my bank and I was the personal accountant to one Engineer.(Yuji Ieda) a foreign contractor with Royal Dutch plc who has an investment account with my bank.
Unfortunately, my client died along with his nuclear family at France while on sabbatical in the summer of 2008, may their soul rest in peace. He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin of been his accountant or the account risk been transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any UK laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperation on this. The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you. If interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response. The amount involved is 14,358,650.00 (GBP) I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentially and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Warmest Regards,
Michelle Smith
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:16 PM
To: michellelloydsx@hotmail.com
『私の名前はMichelle Smith、ロンドンにあるロイズ・バンキング・グループで12年働いており、今ではグループの要職に就いています。また個人的にイエダユウジというロイヤルダッチシェルのエンジニアをしている方の会計士も務めています。この顧客は2008年にフランスでの休暇中に家族とともに事故死しました。彼は遺言書を残さずに亡くなったため、日本大使館を通じて彼の親族を探す努力をしましたがまだ見つかっていません。あと21日で彼の1,435万8,650ポンド(注:約21億円)にのぼる遺産は政府の管理に移されてしまいます。あなたは私の顧客と同じ苗字を持っています。ぜひ私と協力して遺産を取り戻す協力をしてください。取り分は折半で如何でしょうか。云々』
どうも今回届いたメールは話の流れからして典型的な『ナイジェリアの手紙』のような気がする。実は今回の送り主は自分をLinked InというSNSで見つけたと先のメールで言っている。Linked In経由ではよくスカウトメールが届くので、今度もその類だろうと思ったら実に古典的な詐欺メールだったので笑ってしまった。その時代、時代のツールを使っていても詐欺の手口は意外と『スペインの囚人』型の古典的なものが廃れない。人間の欲望を掻き立てるロマンは昔も今もあまり変わっていないということなのか。
The contents of today might be apart from “Essay” theme. I received email like below this month. It was so shady and curious that I post all text here.
Good Morning,
Thanks so much for being able to response to my Email, I hope may this Email find you and your family in good health. I know we are unfamiliar with each other but it takes a day for people to know each other. I will like to propose a legitimate business to you and please take this seriously. I am proposing a deal that will make us richer and you are very important to this deal as you will find out. i am a Senior Accountant with Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) UK. I have worked here for a little more than 12 years now in vital position to my bank and I was the personal accountant to one Engineer.(Yuji Ieda) a foreign contractor with Royal Dutch plc who has an investment account with my bank.
Unfortunately, my client died along with his nuclear family at France while on sabbatical in the summer of 2008, may their soul rest in peace. He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin of been his accountant or the account risk been transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any UK laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperation on this. The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you. If interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response. The amount involved is 14,358,650.00 (GBP) I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentially and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Warmest Regards,
Michelle Smith
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 8:16 PM
To: michellelloydsx@hotmail.com
This sought of fraud was seen quite often even in Japan. In the time when there was no internet or email, an old lawyer knocks on your door and says “My old wealthy client passed away. I have tried to find relatives of this lonely man and found you were hidden grandchild of him. Could you succeed his tremendous heritage?”. Off course you would hear the another word like followings after you get excited, “In order to receive \10 billion heritage, you need to pay \3 million as a commission to the trust bank.”
Story flow of this email looks like a typical “Nigerian letter)” The sender of this mail found my name at Linked In. I often receive scout mails through Linked In and I had thought this might be the one, too. However it was so classical fraud mail that made me laugh. Frauds exist in any times and they utilize tools of times. But their essence is always very similar to “Spanish prisoner “. Essence which arouse worldly desire has not changed in any times.
Please send me a reply if you find other fraud mails.
ここ数週間で、Michelle Smithという人から、LinkedInでわたしのプロフィールをみた、というメールが直接入ってきます。最初は、本文にHiとしか書いてないので、無視したのですが、3度目にして内容がほんの少しだけ伴ってきたので、なんだろう??と思いながら、名前とメールアドレスをネットで検索すると、こちらのページにたどり着きました。メールアドレスは少し違っていましたが、Michelle Smith と似ているので、やはり詐欺メールの一種だったのだなぁと確信しました。
I have thoroughly looked through your profile on LinkedIn and i can see you fit perfectly into a business opportunity i will like to work with you as a partner on. Kindly confirm the receipt of my email for more information about this project.
I await your response.
Best Regards,
Michelle Smith
フィードバックをありがとうございます。しかし思った以上に不特定多数に送られているようですね。Linked inには通報しておきましたが、この記事については間もなく【続報】を書くつもりです。また同じようなメールが来たらお知らせください。
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Joseph Masato) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you.
If you interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response. The amount involved is 22,649,400 (GBP) , I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response. I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
Carol Brandon
私にも来ました。Michelle Smithと全く同じ名前でlinkedin経由の同じ流れです。
フィードバックをいただきありがとうございます。まだ「自称Michelle Smith君」は相変わらず同じメールを送り続けているようですね。実は上の書き込みにもあるように、ほぼ同じ内容の文面で送り主の名前だけが違うケースも出てきました。ひょっとしたらこのナイジェリアの詐欺集団は「振り込め詐欺」のようにグループ体制をとっているのかもしれませんね。ストーリーと文面構築の担当、送り先リストを作成する担当、さらに返信に対してしっかりと資金搾取までの道筋をつける担当、といった具合です。メールを一斉に送り付ける際にあらかじめ決められた名前を使うようにしておけば、その後の成果報酬を決める際にも分かりやすいのか。ちなみにこのテーマに関して先週「続報」を書きましたので、こちらもご参照ください。
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Edward ***) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you.
If you interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 22,649,400 (GBP) , I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Best Regards
Carol Brandon
OTP Bank
Carol Brandon名義のメールは2例目です。やはりこの詐欺グループはチーム制をとっているようですね。どうも自分の書いたBlog記事の中でこの記事が突出して反響が大きくなってしまいました。ご存知とは思いますが、同記事については今月に入って下のURLのような<続報>も書いていますのでご参照ください。
家田 満
私の所にもMichelle Smithの名義でLinkedIn経由で届きました. ウクライナの投資会計士であるという情報以外同じでした.
Good Morning, I am Michelle Smith. I contacted you through this medium because i have completely gone through your profile on LinkedIn and i thought i should reach out to you about a business project which matches perfectly with your profile. Kindly return my email for more information about this project.
Thanks for reading and i look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Michelle Smith.
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuichi Wada) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you.
If you interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 22,649,400 (GBP) , I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
God bless you.
Best Regards,
Carol Brandon
OTP Banking Group.
Good Morning, I am Michelle Smith. I contacted you through this medium because i have completely gone through your profile on LinkedIn and i thought i should reach out to you about a business project which matches perfectly with your profile. Kindly return my email for more information about this project.
Thanks for reading and i look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Michelle Smith.
Good Morning, I am Michelle Smith. I contacted you through this medium because i have completely gone through your profile on LinkedIn and i thought i should reach out to you about a business project which matches perfectly with your profile. Kindly return my email for more information about this project.
Thanks for reading and i look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Michelle Smith.
Good Day
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuji Watanabe) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you.
If you interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 17,649,400 (GBP) , I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Best Regards
Michelle Smith.
ありがとうございます。「Michelle Smith.」で検索したらこのサイトを見つけました。
Good Morning, I am Michelle Smith. I contacted you through this medium because i have completely gone through your profile on LinkedIn and i thought i should reach out to you about a business project which matches perfectly with your profile. Kindly return my email for more information about this project.
私も今日 Michelle Smith を語る人より、下記のメールがLinkdeinを見たといいその後、Linkdein経由でメッセージをくれと返信したにも関わらずメールが下記内容が来ました。
Good Day
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuji Oda) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you.
If you interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 17,649,400 (GBP) , I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Best Regards
Michelle Smith.
Good Evening,
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuji Enomoto) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and I expect the same from you.
If you are interested I will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 17,649,400 (GBP), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Best Regards
Elizabeth Taylor.
Good Evening,
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with OTP Bank Ukraine, I have a vital position to my bank which made me the personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuji Kikuchi) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology Ukraine.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2008, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any Ukraine laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this.
The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and I expect the same from you.
If you are interested I will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 17,649,400 (GBP), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success.
If you are not interested please kindly delete this message and you will never hear from me again.
God bless you.
Best Regards
Elizabeth Taylor.
2020年5月20日 本日、yさんと同じ内容のメールを受け取りました!私もこれで大金持ちになれると喜びましたが、そんなわきゃねーw。
ちなみに発信者は エリザベス テーラー 様です。
アドレスはseniormd024 Hotmailです。
私のところにもきました!Karen Scottという方から
こちらにはOTP Bank UkraineのInvestment Accountantで、名前がElizabeth Taylorです!馬鹿にしていますね。
メアドはseniormdell hotmailです。
Sarah Brown と言う名前でした。文章は上記のものとほとんどおんなじです。
私の所にもKaren Scott,さんからきました。
銀行:Baylake Bank. USAと金額:21,600,500 (USD)くらいでしょうか。
Karen Scott さん私にもコンタクトして来ました。
Baylake bank 同じ、金額も21,600,500 と同じでした。
Karen Scott さんから来ました。
Baylake bank 同じ、金額は17,649,400 (USD)とちょっと少なめ。
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email. I hope this email finds you and your family in good health. I am an Investment Accountant working with Baylake Bank in the United States. I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji Okazaki) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology, USA. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any United States laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I anticipate your co-operation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success. If you are interested, I will tell you what to do as soon as I receive your response back to me. The amount involved is 21,600,500 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards
Karen Scott,
Baylake Bank.
そちらにも来ましたか。まったく懲りない連中ですね。おかげさまで「Baylake Bank、Karen Scott」とGoogleで検索すると、拙Blogが真っ先に登場する事態となっています。
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email. I hope this email finds you and your family in good health. I am an Investment Accountant working with Baylake Bank in the United States. I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji Tamura) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology, USA. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any United States laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I anticipate your co-operation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success. If you are interested, I will tell you what to do as soon as I receive your response back to me. The amount involved is 21,600,500 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards
Karen Scott,
Baylake Bank.
私のところにも来ました。Susan Taylor(LinkedInで自身とつながりはないものの、写真のない偽と思われるアカウントが複数Hitしました。)
Lloyds Banking London 45,649,400GBPとEiji さんという日本人のBio-Techの人 あたりがすり替わった感じです。
ありがとうございます。私のところもKaren Scottという方から
Karen Scott
Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. I trust you are doing well at this time of pandemic and your family is safe as well. I take interest in your profile and would love to share a business opportunity with you, more preferably via personal email. It indeed is very lucrative and I assure you it is worth your time. Kindly confirm receipt of this email and I shall forward you details of said proposal.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
Karen Scottからのメールでこちらにたどり着きました。事例として貼っておきます!
Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. I trust you are doing well at this time of pandemic and your family is safe as well. I take interest in your profile and would love to share a business opportunity with you, more preferably via personal email. It indeed is very lucrative and I assure you it is worth your time. Kindly confirm receipt of this email and I shall forward you details of said proposal.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. I trust you are doing well at this time of pandemic and your family is safe as well. I take interest in your profile and would love to share a business opportunity with you, more preferably via personal email. It indeed is very lucrative and I assure you it is worth your time. Kindly confirm receipt of this email and I shall forward you details of said proposal.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
Blog「週末合気道」管理者の家田満です。このたびは「ナイジェリアの手紙」の報告をあげていただきありがとうございます。特にKaren Scottから送られてくるものが多いようですね。
実況中継も遂に決着!<また来たぞ、ナイジェリアの手紙!>今度はDr. Belindaだ/The last report!<Nigerian Letter has arrived again!> Dr. Belinda, this time | 週末合気道/Weekend Aikido (edamann.net)
私も知らないKaren Scottから直接メアドに連絡がきており、なんとかこの記事にたどり着きました。
Karen Scott
Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. I trust you are doing well at this time of pandemic and your family is safe as well. I take interest in your profile and would love to share a business opportunity with you, more preferably via personal email. It indeed is very lucrative and I assure you it is worth your time. Kindly confirm receipt of this email and I shall forward you details of said proposal.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
私にもKaren Scottoと名乗る御仁から以下のメールが来ました。
Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. I trust you are doing well at this time of pandemic and your family is safe as well. I take interest in your profile and would love to share a business opportunity with you, more preferably via personal email. It indeed is very lucrative and I assure you it is worth your time. Kindly confirm receipt of this email and I shall forward you details of said proposal.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
私にもKaren Scottoと名乗る御仁から以下のメールが来ました。
「Good day
I am Karen Scott and it’s a pleasure to make your acquittance as I connected through on LinkedIn. 」で始まり、コロナ禍であなたも御家族もご無事でありますようお祈りしておりますと続き、Limkedlnよりも直接メールでやり取りしましょう良い話があります云々。
Karen ScottさんからLinkedInを通じてメールきました。
KIMBERLY GARCIAさんからほぼ同じような内容でメール来ました。
Happy New Year…..Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email. I hope this email finds you and your family in good health. I think it will be nice if we can discuss this privately because of the context of the proposal.
I am an Investment Accountant working with Nicolet National Bank in the United States. I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji XXX) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology, USA. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in Months’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any United States laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for a 100% success. If you are interested, I will tell you what to do as soon as I receive your response back to me. The amount involved is 45,649,400 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response. I think with this you can invest more on your products.
Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards,
Lynne Telford
Nicolet National Bank.
Karen Scott さんからほぼ同じような内容でメール来ました。
I went through your LinkedIn profile and I feel it’s nice if we can communicate via personal email. I know you may have a job right now but I would like to discuss a business opportunity with you. Hope you’d be interested.
Waiting patiently for your reply, so I elaborate more on the opportunity
Sincerely yours,
Karen Scott.
22nd February 2022.
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email; I hope that this email finds you and your family in good health in this pandemic period. I am Chief Investment Officer (SVP) working with Nicolet National Bank, Washington (USA). I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji Yamashita) a senior consultant with Syntec Engineering Group, USA. who had an investment account with my bank! Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any state laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. If you are interested, The amount involved is 45,649,400 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds at 60:40, I think this is fair (60% goes to you and 40% will be mine) I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response back to me. I anticipate your cooperation, Please treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success.
Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards,
Emily Adkins.
Nicolet National Bank.
ノアの箱舟 アララト山 様、
私にもKaren Scottより
送信元はKristy Ivy Maneyという人でした。実在する銀行だったのも間違ったきっかけです。
Hello 名前,
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email. I am a Chief Investment Officer (SVP) working with Nicolet National Bank, United state. I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji 苗字) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology, USA. who had an investment account with my bank. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any state laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success. If you are interested, I will tell you what to do as soon as I receive your response back to me. The amount involved is 45,649,400 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds at 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response. I anticipate your cooperation, treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success. Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards,
Kristy Ivy Maney
Nicolet National Bank.
「United State⇒United States」
私も1年前にKaren Scottからメールが来て放置していたのを、先日返信したらすぐにまた返信が来ました。
内容は み さんと全く同じでした。
(違うところはUnited State が United Statesに変わってました)
送られてきたメールアドレスで検索すると、Karen ScottのFacebookにたどり着きました。
Karen ScottさんのFacebookは恐らく詐欺グループとは関係ない同姓同名か、もしくは詐欺グループがアリバイのために捏造した架空のものかと思います。実際に詐欺を仕掛けた後にFacebookを立ち上げた例を自分も見ています。詳しくは下の記事をご参照ください。詐欺グループがどんなツールを使っているのかも、ここに詳しく描かれています。
Thanks so much for being able to respond to my email. I am Chief Investment Officer (SVP) working with Nicolet National Bank, Washington (USA). I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Eiji Sato) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology, USA. who had an investment account with my bank. Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2009, may their souls rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will, several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any state laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this deal. The bank will release the account to you because you share the same last name with my late client and with my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success. If you are interested, I will tell you what to do as soon as I receive your response back to me. The amount involved is 45,649,400 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds at 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response. I anticipate your cooperation, treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success.
Thanks, I await your response.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott.
Nicolet National Bank.
私にもLinkedin経由でKaren Scottさんから同様のメールが来ました。
Dear xxxxxxxxxxx,
I am well informed that Late Eiji Ishiyama is not your brother; neither by blood or any other factor. The reason I approached you with this matter is because Late Mr. Eiji was a good man and once the government confiscates these funds, they would not use it to do anything. They would rather use it for personal purposes, but if we are able to retrieve the funds, we could help a lot of people; children and open charity organizations in bothbour countries and we would still have a large share to split between us as earlier proposed. This is an opportunity that does not come easily, I hope you could think about it again and get back to me.
Best regards
Karen Scott.
『実況中継も遂に決着!<また来たぞ、ナイジェリアの手紙!>今度はDr. Belindaだ』
私のところにもきました。Linked Inで見つけたというのもそっくりです。4年経ってもおなじやり口なんですね!
Thank you so much for being able to respond to my Email.
I am an Investment Accountant working with Baylake Banking Group (BBG) in the USA. I have a vital position at my bank which made me a personal accountant to one Engineer (Yuji Baba) a foreign Investor in Bio-Technology who has an investment account with my bank.
Unfortunately, my client died with his family during a summer trip in 2012, may their soul rest in peace.
He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success.
I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin or the account risk being transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days’ time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name.
This claim will be executed without breaching any United States laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this. The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and I expect the same from you. If interested I will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response.
The amount involved is 17,649,400 (USD), I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.
I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentiality and urgency for 100% success.
If you are not interested, kindly let me know and you will never hear from me again.
Thank you and I look forward to your response.
Best Regards,
Karen Scott