秋のケベック州(カナダ)④:9日間の滞在で気づいたこと Quebec in Autumn (Canada)④: What I noticed in 9 days stay
Before heading to Montreal after my stay in Quebec City, I’d like to briefly summarize my first impressions of Quebec. I hope this will be helpful for those planning to travel by car in the region.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
結論から言うと、この心配はまったくの杞憂に終わりました。ケベックの住民は完璧なバイリンガルで、滞在中はどこに行っても普通に英語が通じました。それもアメリカ本土よりもよっぽどアクセントのないきれいな英語を話してくれました。滞在中に英語が通じなかったのはただ1回だけ、モントリオールのパン屋さんの店員で英語のできない人を見かけたくらい、その時もそばに並んでいた現地の人がすぐに英語で助け舟を出してくれて、まったく問題なく買い物を済ませることができました。またフランス語ができないことで差別されたりとかもまったく感じることなく、むしろ東京から来たというだけで「That‘s cool!」と言ってくれました。現地の方々と話ができる点においては、ケベック州の方がむしろアメリカよりも旅がしやすいところなんじゃないかと感じました。
1.How Widely is English Spoken?
This was my biggest concern before departure. Although Quebec is part of Canada, French is its official language. My past experience of struggling with the language barrier while traveling in France during my time living in Germany came back to me. Of course, Quebec is in North America, not Europe, so I didn’t expect English to be completely useless—but I was still quite apprehensive.
In the end, my worries turned out to be completely unfounded. The people of Quebec are perfectly bilingual, and I had no trouble communicating in English anywhere I went during my stay. In fact, they spoke clear, accent-free English—much more so than in many parts of the U.S. The only time I encountered someone who didn’t speak English was at a bakery in Montreal. Even then, a local standing nearby immediately stepped in to help in English, and I was able to complete my purchase without any issues.
I also never felt discriminated against for not speaking French. On the contrary, when I mentioned I was from Tokyo, people responded with an enthusiastic “That’s cool!” In terms of being able to communicate with locals, I actually felt that traveling in Quebec was easier than in some parts of the U.S.
2.Getting Used to Traffic Signs and Parking Rules
One of the biggest challenges was understanding traffic signs. In Quebec, signs are primarily in French, and unless there’s extra space, English translations are not provided. To prepare for this, I used my smartphone’s image translation feature to learn the meanings of key French-language signs in advance—especially the “STOP” sign and parking time restrictions. The photo below shows how parking restrictions are indicated based on time.
Parking payments were another hurdle. The photo below shows a parking payment machine in downtown Montreal. To use it, you need to enter both the parking spot number (from the right-side photo) and your vehicle’s license plate number. However, as you can see, the instructions are almost entirely in French. The first time, I had to ask a passerby for help (and thankfully, even in this situation, English was widely understood).
The process itself was quite cumbersome! While this particular machine happened to accept coins, many smaller machines did not take cash at all. Instead, contactless credit card payments were the only accepted method. This payment system is widely adopted by Canadian financial institutions, and many machines exclusively support tap-to-pay transactions.
For anyone planning to travel in Canada, I highly recommend getting a contactless credit card that works internationally before your trip!
3.The food is amazing!
This was one of the most striking impressions from my trip. I had previously traveled to English-speaking parts of Canada, like Vancouver and Banff, but compared to those experiences, I felt that there were almost no bad meals in Quebec. Especially in the city, even the simplest croissants and baguettes from ordinary bakeries were consistently delicious! And at casual bistros, I often found surprisingly high-quality dishes hidden in their regular menus. As expected from a French-speaking region, the food scene truly lived up to its reputation—I was thoroughly impressed by the overall culinary standard.
The photo below shows a meal for two at a bistro in Old Montreal, where I was drawn in by the atmosphere and decided to give it a try. The dish in the foreground is tuna poke (similar to Japanese zuke), served with lightly seasoned crackers. What made it special was the combination of soy sauce- and spice-marinated tuna with roughly chopped, slightly tart apples sprinkled on top. The balance was incredible—I had never tasted anything like it before! This kind of flavor pairing is something I don’t think a Japanese chef would come up with.
Of course, at the end of the meal, I made sure to tell the waitress, “As a Japanese person—a big fish eater—I can confidently say that this is a top-tier tuna dish.” She and the chef were delighted to hear the compliment. Later, I looked up the restaurant in a guidebook and discovered that it was actually quite famous! If you’re visiting Montreal, I highly recommend giving it a try.
4.Far less discrimination than in the US
I can’t make definitive statements based on just a nine-day stay, but I strongly felt that Quebec has far less of a sense of discrimination based on race or social class compared to the U.S. The society here relies heavily on immigrants—so much so that it seems impossible for it to function without them.
On the U.S. West Coast, in cities like Los Angeles, there is still a deep-rooted bias against Asian communities. However, in Quebec, I never experienced being singled out, made to wait longer in line, or treated with any overt prejudice. The Airbnb I stayed at in Montreal was in a neighborhood with a large Vietnamese community, yet it never felt rundown. Unlike in L.A., where it’s common to see drug addicts lingering on the streets, I never encountered such situations here.
Near the grand cathedral, where homeless people tend to gather, I noticed that the atmosphere was not threatening at all. Several times, I saw passersby casually hand sandwiches to them with a warm smile. Maybe I was just lucky, but despite the economic disparities, I never sensed the kind of harsh, cutthroat social dynamics that sometimes exist in major U.S. cities, where the less fortunate are pushed even further down.
5.For Those Who Have Been Spoiled by Washlets
Lastly, I apologize for bringing up such an unglamorous topic. However, I suspect that many Japanese travelers would agree: “The hardest part about going abroad is the lack of washlets.”
To be honest, I’m one of those people—so I actually brought this with me…
A Panasonic portable washlet, which you can buy on Amazon for around 3,000 yen. Having this made a huge difference—I was incredibly grateful for it!