6 【自己責任論】言葉は想いを伝えるが、同時に多くのものを包み隠す/Words contain your thought, but they conceal and hide many things 10月 31, 2018
0 敗者日本の占領はすでに始まっている?『77年』は日本民族独自の興亡サイクルか Is “Loser Japan” already being occupied ? “77 years” is original cycle of rise and fall for Japanese people 8月 15, 2022
0 神話と日本刀の故郷、出雲へ②「出雲大社」/Journey in Izumo, hometown of Mythology and Samurai Sword②“Izumo Taisha Shrine” 4月 13, 2018