コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!⓹《コロラド・スプリングス周囲で最後の観光へ》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!⓹《Toward last tourism programs around Colorado Springs》
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
本物の刑務所に隣接する刑務所博物館によると、これは1871年からこの場にある紛れもないコロラド州立刑務所で「Old Max」の愛称で呼ばれる施設だそうだ。もともと全米で最厳重刑務所(現在は中度厳戒刑務所らしい)として建築され、数多くの凶悪犯が囚人として服役していたらしい。現在も900名の囚人が服役している。
場所は中心街から通りを隔てた閑静な住宅地。ここに建つこじんまりとした一軒家の1階部分が今回の宿。リビングのほか、フルセットのキッチン、寝室がついて、家具やアメニティがとても清潔でおしゃれ。しかも家の前には朝夕とリスが食事を求めてやってきます。物件の名前は「Helen Hunt Hideaway-Downtown」。人気物件なので予約困難ですが、コロラド・スプリングスに行く用事があれば試してみられては。
宿に荷物を置き、車で40分ほどの「コロラド狼と自然生物センター(Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center)」へ。この施設は日本のガイドブックにはまず載っていないが、動物好きは一度訪れるべき場所。
Encountered State Prison in the back way from Durango!
In very early morning on 15. September, I left Durango to Colorado Springs again. Apart from the route of 3 days ago, I took the route of peaks passing of 490km. I left the hotel at 6:00AM. Although I tried to say good-bye to Animas river, it was too dark to see anything.
After I drove around 5 hours passing through peaks, I happened to find something strange besides the road of Canon City.
It is no doubt, this is American prison! I couldn’t find any of this in guidebooks. It is not something to find roadside!
According to the prison museum beside the prison, this facility is Colorado State penitentiary, called “Old Max”, since 1871. It was originally the maximum security prison and now is the medium security prison where 900 prisoners are still serving.
Museum of Colorado prisons just by real prison.
Solitary cells real used.
This gas chamber had been really used until 90s and actual execution scene. The structure looked very simple using propane gas tank (?). I was afraid that it would have taken quite long time to the death and was very painful.
I just happened to drop in Canon City caught by the prison. But I found out afterward it was also very popular tourism area by Royal Gorge Route Railroad which is very famous for its spectacle canyon view. It is always so shame to find something wonderful after the journey finished.
Arrived at Colorado Springs early afternoon, Airbnb accommodation was fantastic!
1 hour after having lunch at Canon City, we arrived at Colorado Springs. We firstly went to the accommodation which I had booked through Airbnb. It was truly beautiful one much beyond its cost ($100/night).
The location is just one street off from city center and quiet residential area. The ground floor of small solitary house is our accommodation. It equipped Living room, full furnished kitchen, and a bedroom. Furnitures and amenities are set very tidy and fashionable. Natural squirrels visit the door every morning and evening. The name is “Helen Hunt Hideaway-Downtown”. It should be very hard to book it as it is very popular. Please try if you have a chance.
Animal lovers should visit-Wolf and Wildlife Center
Leaving baggage at the accommodation, next destination is Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center which takes 40 minutes by car. This facility is not introduced in Japanese guidebooks, but this is worth while visiting for animal lovers.
Those are 3 principals of the Center: Conservation/Education/Preservation. Except Wolfs, Foxes (baby foxes are so cute!), sheep, and ponies are kept in the Center. This is not a zoo, it is the facility to protect and breed wild wolves which is decreasing in American wild natures and it also tackles on education for people how to observe wild species.
We joined Feeding tour. We looked around wolves over the fence.
This movie is the scene of Feeding tour. A guide from Cuba gives fresh meats to wolves. They bite bones together very wildly. Some of them prefer beef rather than chicken. The wait patiently for beef ignoring first thrown chicken.
At the end of the tour, visitors tried “howling” and 2 wolves have responded us!
A cool cat who was walking around the Center and “Wolf goods”.