コロラド州2,000㎞走破の弾丸トリップ!②《いざ、600㎞彼方へ》/Bullet trip of 2,000km drive in Colorado!②《Now leaving for 600km away》
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
早朝にColorado Springsを出発、600㎞先のDurangoへ
峠を越えた先にあった滝(Treasure Falls)。現在はかなり水量が減っているようでした。
途中で見かけた山頂の奇岩。さしずめChimney Rock (煙突岩)なんて名前がついているんじゃないか。
デュランゴに到着、Mesa Verde国立公園にチェックイン
昼過ぎにようやくデュランゴに到着、Wapiti Lodgeにアーリーチェックイン。写真の通り昔ながらのアメリカのモーテルタイプの宿だけど、街の中心までほんの3分程度と抜群の立地。価格帯も安く、どの検索サイトでも大変な人気の宿。バスタブに置かれたアヒルの玩具に、何とも言えないホスピタリティを感じる。
Bloom Caféの名前通り花に囲まれたお洒落なカフェ。サンドウィッチが絶品、あっという間に半分平らげてしまった後で慌てて写真に残しました。
昼食の後はすぐに車で40分ほどのMesa Verde国立公園へ。この公園には広大なエリアに遺跡が点在しているが、主だった遺跡にはツアーを通さないと入場できず、しかもこのツアーは実際に公園事務所を訪れないと予約ができない。
公園事務所には閉館の16:00直前に到着し、ラッキーなことに翌日の午前にBalcony House、午後一番にCliff Palaceのツアー予約がとれた。
翌朝は朝一番で再びMesa Verdeへ。デュランゴから40分ほどで国立公園入口ゲートに到着。前日に訪れた公園事務所のすぐ横。このゲートから下の写真のような道を辿って、台地をくねくねと登り、1時間ほどでBalcony Houseの駐車場に到着。ゲートから33㎞程度だが、崖沿いの険しい道が続くため1時間程度は軽くかかります。
Balcony Houseの上に位置する駐車場から撮ったパノラマ。断崖絶壁の足元に崖の窪みを利用してBalcony Houseが建設されている。
Balcony Houseでは10m以上の梯子を昇るなど体力的に大変だぞ、と散々チケット購入時に脅かされていたが、間もなくそれがはったりでなかったことが証明される。
Balcony Houseのツアーを終え(1時間弱)、午後はもうひとつのツアー「Cliff Palace」へ。
しかしそもそもこのメサヴェルデの崖下住居はいつ誰が建造したのか、そしてどのように打ち捨てられ忘れられていったのか、それは次回のCliff Palaceのところで説明することにします。
Leaving Colorado Springs in early morning toward Durango, 600km away
The Colorado morning break shot from hotel window. Next morning after the arrival, we woke up at 5:00AM. Despite very early wakeup, I didn’t feel any difficulties as my biological clock was still in confusion due to jet lag.
The hotel breakfast was buffet style. Suburban type hotels in US always offer gorgeous breakfast.
We left the hotel shortly after 6:00AM in the darkness. The map below is the rough route of today’s trip. Heading South from Colorado Springs, and then we turn to West from Walsenburg through prairie district and pass over mountains.
Denver, Colorado is called “Mile high City” as its altitude is around 1,600m. Also altitudes of Colorado Springs and Durango are around 2,000m. Even though we drove on just flat prairie, it is almost “Driving high”!
Altitude during drive on the prairie. West side of Colorado is quite high plateau.
“Twin peaks” from prairie area. Maybe it is the one called Spanish Peak. You can see the signboard of a resort hotel, but the hotel was already closed and became ruin.
The scenery turned from prairie to mountain ranges after turning West.
Then we started passing higher than 3,000mpeaks. We saw Runaway Truck Ramps on steep downhill which there were many in Mt. Fuji Drive way in the other days.
Treasure falls after passing the peak. Very few water in this season.
This rock on the mountain might be called “Chimney Rock”!
Arriving at Durango, we checked in Mesa Verde National Park
Shortly after the noon, we arrived in Durango and checked in Wapiti Lodge, Motel type accommodation like photos above. But the location was splendid, only 3 minutes to the city center at very reasonable budget. I felt the sense of hospitality with a duck toy at bathtub.
Lunch at the Café nearby.
Just like its name of Bloom Café, it was quite little but fashionable Café surrounded by colorful flowers. Sandwich was awesome! I couldn’t help grabbing a bite before I took its picture.
After the lunch was Mesa Verde National Park which is 40 minutes away by the car. This park owns a series of ruins in broad area. You need to book tours beforehand, and you can’t book them through website or telephone. You absolutely have to be there for bookings.
Arriving at the information center of the park, we luckily found vacancies for Balcony House tour in the morning and Cliff Palace tour in early afternoon.
Table plateau on the mountain which reminds me of Guiana Highlands “Lost World”. Destinations of cliff dwellings are even far away from this mountain.
Finally reached Cliff dwellings which had been left behind for 600 years
We headed toward Mesa Verde again in early morning next day. We arrived at the entry gate of the park beside Information center we visited yesterday. Through winding roads under cliffs like picture below, we arrived at the parking lot of Balcony House in 1 hour. Although it was around 33km distance from the gate, it took almost 1 hour due to narrow winding roads.
Panorama shot from the parking lot above Balcony House. The ruin was constructed under this cliff.
Tour ranger was Sherry who had worked as music teacher for 35 years in Florida. After retiring he became the ranger of the park, she said. The flame in her hands is as small as the narrowest route of this tour. You can’t join the tour if you can’t go through this flame. There was actually clearly risky American guy.
Sherry had worked as a coach of choir group. She said she would conduct “Happy Birthday” if there is today’s birthday. What an accident! My wife’s birthday accidentally falls on Today! All attendants sang Happy Birthday for her.
An officer at Information center had warned Balcony House was very hard program to climb on ladders more than 10m very strongly, when we purchased the tour tickets. The word was proved to be true.
In order to enter the ruin, you need to go under the cliff and climb up this ladder of 10m. This was quite hard. Once you tumble down from the ladder and you bounce under it, then you fall down into hundreds meter cliff. Wasn’t there any accidents in the past?
A part of the ruin. You go into the narrow corridor like the movie below to move to the nextchamber.
This round hall is called Kiva. On the bottom of this space, Shamans or Chiefs of tribes sat down around the fire and conducted spiritual ceremony or communication events. Even nowadays a part of Pueblo people inherits this custom. However fire on the deep hole with people looks typical scene of carbon gas poisoning.
But there were air intake holes behind the wall and it enabled fresh air convection levered by fire. Maybe this was the system established after many fatal accidents.
This is the narrowest entry which was shown by the flame Sherry showed. The man of the photo was anyhow OK but an American guy clearly excess 120kg struggled so much to go through the tunnel.
After the tour, you have to climb up another ladder to the parking. It is quite hard way for fat guys.
After 1 hour tour of Balcony House, we went to another tour of Cliff Palace.