四季を通して楽しむ湯沢<初夏編>/ Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year
I visited Echigo Yuzawa in “Sunny break during rainy season”. Main purpose of the visit was “Fire fly”. But I also took a walk around the natural spring fountain of “Ryuu-ga-kubo (meaning Dragon lake)” in the daytime. “Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year” series this time is <Early summer>.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
いきなりですが泉の脇から撮った動画です。Youtubeでのタイトル「Sound of silence」から思い起こせるような、泉の底から湧き出る水面を緑が覆い、鳥と蛙の声が静寂の中に響いています。この泉は古来どんな日照りの年にも水が枯れたことがなく、近在の村からは同じ量の酒と交換に泉の水を持って帰ったそうです。この風景を見ても思うのですが、どうしてこのような場所が土地の人以外にはほとんど知られていないのか不思議に感じてなりません。豊かできれいな水がそこかしこで湧き出る光景は、大多数の海外地域から見れば決して当たり前のものではありません。少し以前に、中国人投資家が日本の水源地を次々と買収していることが話題になりましたが、こうした豊かな水資源は「水と安全はタダ」という日本人の感覚によって見過ごされている重要な観光資源ではないかと感じています。
I visited Echigo Yuzawa in “Sunny break during rainy season”. Main purpose of the visit was “Fire fly”. But I also took a walk around the natural spring fountain of “Ryuu-ga-kubo (meaning Dragon lake)” in the daytime. “Enjoying Echigo Yuzawa through a year” series this time is <Early summer>.
“Ryuu-ga-kubo” tremendous tourism asset where Japanese people are not aware
Ryuu-ga-kubo (meaning Dragon lake) is a natural spring fountain in the mountain which is selected as one of “Selected 100 Exquisite and Well-Conserved Waters” by the Ministry of Environment. The place isTsunan, around 40 minutes drive from Yuzawa beyond the mountain. This town is well known as heavy snow district where TV news location always takes place in heavy snow condition. After parking the car you walk down the promenade like below for 5 minutes.
This is diversion channel from the fountain with rich water inflow.
This is the movie I shot from the lake shore. The water is coming up from the bottom of the lake. As I titled “Sound of Silence” at Youtube, you can feel exquisite silence in flogs’ croaking on the surface of the lake covered with beautiful green. This spring has never stopped fountaining even in the worst drought year through the history. In these times, villagers in surroundings asked the water in return of the same volume of Sake. It is unbelievable that this spring lake stays as just a local existence. In the most areas of the world, a rich and clear water is not the most natural thing. Chinese investors had once tried to buy up lands of major fountain heads. This spring lake is one of the most important tourism assets missed by Japanese people who believe “Water and safety are always free”.
This transparent and green lake is very solemn and mysterious.
In the lake tail is the shrine of Dragon-god (Japanese Aquarius) and clean and cold water is coming out here as well.
You can also find day-trip spa just before the fountain and you can enjoy special Toufu processed with the fountain water.
(Official site)
There are many natural springs within driving areas. Each spring would impress you the “blessing of water” of the area and it has produced wonderful Rice and Sake. The movie below is the natural spring under Hakkaisan. The reputational brand Sake “Hakkaisan” takes water from this water veins.
Fire fly paradise in Yuzawa town
At the night we went to Nakazato, Yuzawa, to see fire fly as scheduled.
This place is close to Yuzawa Nakazato ski resort and next to Zuisyo-an temple.
In the daytime it looks like this. Water is flowing under the bank. Fire flies grow and fly from this water stream.
We visit this place again after dark. Although it was a bit early for the best season, I could see a lot of fire flies flying around with impermanent lights on their tails. This is the season of love for them. Surroundings are totally dark. I tried to shoot a fire fly which came close to me.
Oh, no! It is so ambiguous! This might be the technical limit of camera function of smart phone. I paste the picture below from the official site.
Next to Fire fly park is the temple of Zuisyo-an. The temple gate is guarded by sculptures of Ni-o guardians. The sculptures are created by Uncho Ishikawa, often called “Michelangelo in Echigo”. Below is the sculpture in the darkness.