居合:大会に向けて一通りの稽古/Iaido: Training toward the contest
Our semi-annual Iaigiri (Iai chopping) contest takes place on 3rd June. As it also serves promotion contest, we exercised all skills for the contest. There were accidentally only a couple of people on the day. We could exercise as much as we could.
The picture is “Hidari Kesagiri (Slanting cut down to left side). An entire Makiwara (bundle of Tatami surface) is 1 Tatami height and it is divided into 4 parts by rubber bands. Each part is chopped at each waist height. The picture is 2nd part from the bottom. The position is correct and the surface of the section is very flat. If the blade is not straight lining, surface becomes waving. I had trained “Suemono-giri (vertical downward cut)” and “Koma-otoshi (horizontal cut)” but I failed to leave photos unfortunately. Maybe I post them another day.