先入観に捕らわれると外国で恥をかく/A prejudice makes you humiliated abroad
「Me?I’m doing this just for a part time job・・・」
-Dialogue at an Amish town in Ohio, USA
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
その中で最も有名なのが1985年公開の『刑事ジョン・ブック 目撃者(原題:Witness)』。ハリソン・フォードが殺人犯を追う刑事の役で、ケリー・マクギリス(『トップガン』の女教官役としても有名)が夫に先立たれて子供を連れた旅の途中で偶々殺人現場の目撃者となるアーミッシュの女を演じている。
出張では州の首都コロンバスに宿泊しており、そこからベルリンまでは300㎞弱。往復すれば東京-神戸間よりも遠い道のりになるものの、この機会を逃せばいつ来られるかも知れないので、街中でレンタカーを借りて朝早くに出発。目的地に近づくにつれて「Switzerland in America(アメリカの中のスイス)」という道路脇の看板が示すように、ゆるい丘と畑が延々と続く牧歌的な光景が広がるなかでようやく目的地ベルリンに到着。周りはアーミッシュ独自の衣装を着た男女や、一人乗りの馬車が行き交い、確かに聞いていた通りのアーミッシュの村の雰囲気が漂う。しばらく村の中を歩き回ってから村のお土産屋を訪問。アーミッシュは自給自足を基本としているものの、外の世界とのつながりや現金収入のために100%オーガニックの乳製品、蜂蜜、そしてアーミッシュ独自のパターンを使ったキルトなどを販売しており、その一部は有機商品として大変なブランドになっているものもある。
「Me?I’m doing this just for a part time job・・・」
-Dialogue at an Amish town in Ohio, USA
It was almost 10 years ago. I had a chance to visit Ohio, USA, through business trip. The job finished on Friday and Saturday became day off as the return flight was Sunday. I decided to go to the place where I had longed for. It was the largest Amish towns spreading around Berlin, Ohio (same spell as the capital of Germany). Amish is a fact of Mennonite which was started by Menno Simons (1496-1561, Friesland, Netherland). They are leading unique lifestyles even nowadays. They are still using oil lamps and horse carriages instead of electricity and cars in community life of large families. America, known as the center of capitalism, has still such a religious community. It impresses me deep diversity of the nation. Amish people have become motifs of a lot of literatures and films.
The most famous one is the movie “Witness (1985)”. Harrison Ford played a roll of detective who chased a killer and Kelly McGillis played Amish mom who happened to witness murder scene.
The stage of the movie is an Amish colony in Pennsylvania where traditional Amish life style is extremely strict. As for its population Ohio Amish is more than Pennsylvania, I heard. The strongest reason of the visit was that I heard they speak classical swiss German. I had measured German in my college and studied also some classical German, too. Although I happened to join financial sector after college, I still speak some German. I couldn’t help visiting there in this occasion.
I had stayed in Columbus, Ohio capital, and the distance to Berlin was approximately 300km. I rent a car at the hotel and headed for Berlin. As I came closer to the destination, I saw billboards displaying “Switzerland in America”. In the scenery of gentle hills and plain fields I arrived at Berlin. Ladies and gentlemen on streets were dressed in typical Amish costumes and horse baggies were going on the street. I took a walk in the town and dropped in Amish souvenir shop. Although they are basically keeping on self-sufficient lifestyle, they also sell their products like 100% organic dairy products, honey, Jam, or hand maid quilt for cash revenue and a window to external society.
There were just a few visitors in the shop and a young girl in Amish costume was working at the casher. Other visitors went out the shop and I took the courage to address to her in English.
“Excuse me, although I’m afraid it might sound weird, could you do me a favor? I presume you are Amish girl. I am a visitor from Japan. I heard you are speaking in classical German at home. I had once studied classical German in young days. Could you try to speak in your home language with me?”
After giving blank look for a while, she said the word like posted at the beginning “Me? I’m doing just for part time job…”. She was American high school student living in next town and she was nothing to do with Amish. Among information she gave me and my research afterward, the situation was like this. Amish people in Ohio are sometimes called “Tourism Amish”. Their lifestyles are not so strict like Pennsylvanian Amish. Even though they are wearing like typical Amish when they go outside, some of them are running restaurant for ordinary American people and leading pretty civilized lives. I remember there were utility poles in the town and I also found small HONDA cultivator behind the house.
Right after her reply I was attacked by fierce shame! I made prejudice on my own for the people abroad where I have never been. It was just like obsession and I made a lot of fuss for nothing. This has become very deep lesson which touches core of my heart.
However in spite of the lesson I might be going to do the same thing if I can go to Pennsylvania…