My first Iceland:Points I noticed
Here I summarize points I noticed in my first Iceland.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
1. 英語がどこに行っても通じる
2. 物価が高い!
ひょっとしたらこれも観光客急増の弊害なのかもしれませんが、とにかくどこへ行っても物価が高い。チップが要らないのはありがたいのですが、特に外食ではお店でハンバーガーを食べるとそれだけで2,000円、ビールを飲めば1,200円、カジュアルなレストラン(決して高級ではなく)でお肉のメインディッシュを頼めば一皿で7,000円近く。アクティビティにしても、先に書いた『Inside the Volcano』ツアーが一人50,000円近いことをはじめ、あらゆるアクティビティが高い。これまでにアメリカで乗馬にしろ、国立公園のツアーにしろ、多くの自然の中でのアクティビティに参加してきましたが、アイスランドで同様のプログラムはだいたい3倍近い水準。ほとんどのプログラムがWebやガイドブックで調べたものよりも値上がりしていましたので、インフレは依然として進行中ということになります。幸いにしてスーパーの食材はそれほどでもなかったので、滞在中はもっぱらパスタや野菜を買って自炊していました。
3. クレジットカード社会:ほぼキャッシュは要らない
4. お酒が欲しい場合には要注意
アイスランドのスーパーでビールを買うと、アルコール度数2%の製品しかありません。一度試してみましたが、アルコールフリーのビールとまったく同じ。これはアイスランドで酒類が政府に統制されているためで、普通のアルコール入りの酒を買う場合にはVin Budinという政府直営(いわば専売公社)の専門店に行かねばなりません。レイキャビク市内と郊外には数店あるようですが、夕方で閉店、日曜日は休みなので、特に週末の飛行機で行かれる方々で早速寝酒が欲しい向きは、レイキャビク空港の免税店で忘れずに仕込んでおく必要があります。
5. Wifiの発達は世界トップクラス
お店でも公共施設でも、屋根のあるところなら必ずWifiがあります。このIT環境はほぼ世界トップクラスなのではないか、と感じました。あらかじめポケットWifiを成田からレンタルしていきましたが、Pokemon Go以外ではまったく必要ありませんでした。
6. スピード違反の取り締まりはけっこう厳しい!
7. 猫が多い!
8. アイスランドは意外に広い!
My first Iceland:Points I noticed
Here I summarize points I noticed in my first Iceland.
1. English is available at anywhere
As Haruki Murakami also wrote in his book, English is available at anywhere without strange accents like some Asian countries. It was quite amazing. I recognized how Iceland with population of only 330 thousands accepts tourists of over 2.3 million (estimated for 2017) from all over the world. However rapid increase of tourists causes serious issue for Iceland itself. Until 2-3 years ago, tourists visiting Iceland had been around 500 thousands for long time. The movies like Alien, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, or Fast and furious made Iceland as places of location and they have invited tremendous number of tourists from the world, and most of them visit Iceland during green season of 4 months. Hotels are clearly short and it prompted growth of Airbnb. However explosive increase of tourist are endangering wild natural assets and the government likely to think about National Park entrance fee or the introduction of special tax.
2. Prices are eye hopping!
Prices of Iceland are so expensive everywhere! No custom of chip is good news but eat out is especially expensive as just a plain Hamburger costs $18, a glass of beer is $10, and if you order a main dish in casual restaurant, it would cost around $60. Even for activity programs, “Inside the Volcano” tour was more than $45 which is much more than any activity programs which I had enjoyed in National parks in the US. And they were all more expensive than I had checked in guidebooks beforehand, maybe inflation is still going on. We had to save eating out and had dinners at house with Pasta and salad.
3. Credit card society: You never need cash
You can buy even a chewing gam with credit card in Iceland. You need almost no cash during the stay in Iceland. It was only tourists from Asia who counted notes at casher. Iceland Krona cash is exchangeable only in Iceland. You don’t need to exchange big amount. It’s better to save exchange commission.
4. Better be careful, if you need alcoholic drinks
You can buy only beer with 2% alcoholic in super markets. Alcoholic drink is severely regulated in Iceland and they were sold only at government running retail shop called “Vin Budin”. You can find several of them in Reykjavik area but they are closed on Sundays and close at evening. If you arrive Reykjavik at weekend, don’t forget to buy beer and wine at duty free shop next to baggage claim.
This is Duty Free Shop in Reykjavik Airport next to baggage claim.
This is Icelandic beer of 2% alcoholic. Even though it appeals as “Pilsner”, it tastes just as Alcohol Free beer.
5. Wifi: World best class
You can find Wifi everywhere either at shops or public places with roofs. I guess IT environment is top class in the world. I had prepared Pocket Wifi from Narita Airport but I needed it only for Pokemon Go at outside.
This is Wifi at Airbnb. The tea pot in front looks clearly Japanese one, which can be made by the landowner, an artist.
6. Watch out! Speeding control is pretty strict!
Luckily I didn’t meet the control by police cars, but I found quite many “Radar trap” along streets.
Radar trap in suburban area.
This is the warning sign. In the beginning, I thought it was a sign of scenic point or film location place.
In the city area, you can find the trap on pedestrian signals like this. As a matter of fact, you can use very convenient function at Garmin, navigator attached with Rental cars. This Garmin cries “Pong, Pong” before radar traps which helped me a lot.
7. So many cats!
As Haruki Murakami wrote, you can find a lot of cats on streets of Reykjavik. Most of them looked walking outside freely in spite of such a cold climate.
8. Iceland is a big island more than you had expected!
When you take a look in Iceland on a world map, it looks quite tiny island hanging under huge Greenland. However Iceland is much bigger than you feel! It is as big as half of Japanese main island, 30% bigger than Scotland, and almost as half as West Germany. .It is almost impossible to drive around whole island in 1 week vacation, a maximum for Japanese businessmen. Therefore we limited destinations to western end of the island this time.