高校生の時に地学の授業が大好きでした。結果として別の学部に進んだとは言え、一時は真剣に自分の尊敬する教授のいた大学の理学部に進学することを考えたこともあります。そうした地学の教科書の中で、火山周辺の地中構造を示したイラストはよく覚えています。具体的には「マグマだまり」を描いたもので、Googleで「マグマだまり 図」で検索すると多くのイラストが出てきます。なぜ写真でなくイラストかというと、これはあくまで概念をビジュアル化したもので、実際のマグマだまりを目にした人間がそれまでにいなかったため。
After the penance, I found out textbook of Geology was right!
(And Discovery of true “Mossgreen”)
I liked the class of Geology when I was high school student. I had once seriously thought about category. I still remember the illustration of Magma chamber in volcano (please try Google with “magma chamber drawing”. They were not photos, because Magma chamber was a concept on the theory and nobody had ever confirmed how it looks like.
However there is only one place in the world where you can go down into and observe the real Magma chamber. Today’s destination is one of my major purposes of coming to Iceland.
(English text continues to the latter half of the page)
その場所は、レイキャビクから50Kmほどにあるスリーニューカギーグル(Trihnukagigur)火山。4000年ほど前に噴火を繰り返した火山で、その際にできたマグマだまりからマグマが放出された後、中に空洞を残したまま崩落もせず、まさに地学の教科書でみたマグマだまりがそのまま残された場所。1974年に発見され、2000年代以降にナショナルジオグラフィック誌の依頼でレイキャビク市の建設業者が中に降りられるエレベーターを建設し、2012年以降に一般観光客にも開放が始まりました(ガイドの方からヒアリングしただけですので、細かい間違いはご容赦!)。しかし参加料は48,000円/人!二人で10万円近い料金はこれまでに海外で経験したアクティビティの中でも最高額。事前に日本からネットで申し込んでいったのですが、申込ボタンをクリックする時には、「これが世界で一つだけの場所なんだ、人生で恐らく一度だけのチャンスなんだ!」と自分を鼓舞する必要がありました。ツアーの名前は『Inside the Volcano』ツアーです。
After the penance, I found out textbook of Geology was right!
(And Discovery of true “Mossgreen”)
I liked the class of Geology when I was high school student. I had once seriously thought about category. I still remember the illustration of Magma chamber in volcano (please try Google with “magma chamber drawing”. They were not photos, because Magma chamber was a concept on the theory and nobody had ever confirmed how it looks like.
However there is only one place in the world where you can go down into and observe the real Magma chamber. Today’s destination is one of my major purposes of coming to Iceland.
The place is called Trihnukagigur volcano which is away from Reykjavik by 50km. The volcano made active eruptions 4,000 years ago and it left Magma chamber after all Magma went out from underground. The huge space inside the volcano has not made collapse and left the figure just as Geology textbook. It was discovered in 1974 and National Geographic Magazine asked a local construction firm in Reykjavik to install the lift into the chamber for academic research. The facility was opened to tourists from 2012. But the entrance fee is $440 per head! This is almost the most expensive one among I had ever paid for activities program. I needed to convince myself “This is only one place in the world and must be only chance for my life!” before the click. The tour is called “Inside the Volcano” tour.
It was still raining. We had pick up from the hotel of 5 minutes’ walk and headed for touring bus at the terminal.
This is the wagon to the volcano. It takes around 40 minutes to the destination. The light rain in Reykjavik has become downpour as the car entered into mountain area. It seemed like wet clouds from the west collide to this mountain range and make it rain all day. Tour guide told me that she has seen blue sky only a couple of times through the season.
Car access is limited to the rest house which is away from the volcano by 3km. We change into rain coats here and walked to the volcano on lava plateau for 50 minutes. However it becomes pretty “penance”. The rain is downpour and the wind blows like hurricane. In spite of water proof Gore-Tex shoes, the water came down heavily from ankle and inside the shoes was soaked into skin. The temperature is under 10℃. We kept walking in these conditions for almost 1 hour.
The destination is beyond that peak.
I tend to look down as visibility is so poor. The ground is all lava rocks. I saw a little natural tunnel maybe made from outgassing.
An energetic tour guide is pointing somewhere quite far away…
Finally we have reached the basecamp, 500m before the volcano. After short break of a cup of coffee, we are divided into 3 groups due to the capacity of the lift and headed for the Magma chamber. Our group members are 2 Japanese and 4 people from Germany. We climb up on the hill together in the storm And the video of descending the Magma chamber is as below. This is very long 17 minutes video. Please take a look skip by skip.
It was just as illustration I had seen in the textbook of Geology and I again felt in real that logical imagination of scientists is so accurate!
I just looked up from the bottom of the chamber.
Surroundings of the hole is different colors. This is one of magma exits.
This is also an exit of magma. It is the trace of the magma seeking ways to the ground under hyper high pressure.
It was only half an hour to stay on the bottom of the chamber. But it was the time to see something I have never experienced before. Something I saw more than 3 decades ago in the textbook of Geology and the world of imaginations which Geophysicists had drawn along their logics.
We came out from the chamber and took Icelandic meat soup that warmed chilled body. Now we have to go back to the parking again. The rain had become mild but wind was still blowing wild.
The field of view has a little bit improved. I here discovered the color of “Moss green”, which is illustrating whole country. Moss green is off course the color of moss. It is not bright green of moss like Japan. The world of pale green is spreading all over lave plateau and I firstly discovered its beauty. I felt this color could be the color of nostalgy for people in Iceland.